Venue: King Edmund Chamber, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||||
DECLARATION OF INTERESTS BY COUNCILLORS Minutes: Councillor Whitehead declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 10 in his role as Director of Gateway 14 Ltd.
That the minutes of the meeting held on the 7 March 2022 be confirmed as a true record of the meeting.
QUESTIONS BY COUNCILLORS Minutes: None received.
FORTHCOMING DECISIONS LIST Please view the lates version of the Forthcoming Decisions List on the website:
Minutes: The Forthcoming Decisions List was noted.
MCa/21/47 COUNCIL TAX ENERGY REBATE 2022/23 PDF 139 KB Cabinet Member for Finance Decision: It was RESOLVED: -
1.1 That Cabinet gave authority to the Assistant Director for Corporate Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance to agree the discretionary Council Tax Energy Policy, in accordance with the relevant Government guidelines. 1.2 That Cabinet gave authority to the Shared Revenues Partnership (SRP) Operations Manager to administer the scheme for the Council Tax Energy Rebate and the discretionary Council Tax Energy Policy.
REASON FOR DECISION To provide support to households to pay energy bills.
To enable the implementation of the discretionary policy. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: 2.1 Option 1 – Delegate authority to the Assistant Director for Corporate Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance to agree the discretionary Council Tax Energy Policy, in accordance with the relevant Government guidelines. A new policy can be introduced in a timely fashion for the discretionary element of the relief and applications can be invited from households.
2.2 Option 2 – Once the policy is drafted, it is brought back to Cabinet for consideration
Following Cabinet approval, the discretionary policy can be implemented, and applications invited.
Any Declarations of Interests Declared: None Any Dispensation Granted: None
Minutes: 115.1 The Chair invited the Cabinet Member for Finance, Councillor Whitehead to introduce the report.
115.2 Councillor Whitehead provided an overview of the report and proposed the recommendations, as detailed in the report.
115.3 Councillor Brewster seconded the recommendation.
115.4 In response to questions from other Members attending the meeting, the SRP Operations Manager responded that Government had recently changed the guidance and the hardship funding put in place could not be paid to landlords, but to those who were the main occupants.
That Cabinet gave authority to the Assistant Director for Corporate Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance to agree the discretionary Council Tax Energy Policy, in accordance with the relevant Government guidelines. That Cabinet gave authority to the Shared Revenues Partnership (SRP) Operations Manager to administer the scheme for the Council Tax Energy Rebate and the discretionary Council Tax Energy Policy.
REASON FOR DECISION To provide support to households to pay energy bills.
To enable the implementation of the discretionary policy.
Decision: It was RESOLVED: -
1.1 That the joint Councils’ draft LCWIP and Sustainable Transport vision be endorsed. 1.2 That the completion of the final documentation be delegated to the Assistant Director for Economic Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment.
REASON FOR DECISION Endorsement is recommended so that the LCWIP can be supported and utilised as recommended by National Government guidance. The Sustainable Travel Vision will be used to inform the public about our key values, aims, ambitions and narrative around Sustainable Travel. The LCWIP will also be made public, but the key functions of this document are to inform SCC Highways and our own planning directorate of our active travel infrastructure ambitions, in order to capture opportunity for delivery. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Option 1 – To endorse these strategical documents Option 2 – To decide not to endorse these strategical documents Any Declarations of Interests Declared: None Any Dispensation Granted: None
Minutes: 116.1 The Chair, Councillor Morley, invited the Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Fleming to introduce the report.
116.2 Councillor Fleming outlined the background for the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) and summarised the main points in the report.
116.3 Councillor Fleming proposed the recommendations, as detailed in the report which was seconded by Councillor Richardson.
116.4 Councillor Brewster supported the LCWIP in principle but had concerns regarding specific proposals in the report such as Ipswich Street in Stowmarket.
116.5 The Sustainable Travel Officer advised that the list of schemes in the LCWIP was based on desires of the public identified during the public consultation. Suffolk Highways would consider the proposed schemes and decide what kind of infrastructure would be possible.
116.6 In response to Councillor Gould’s questions regarding adding new schemes to the LCWIP and the possibility of distribution of resources back to the County for the LCWIP scheme, the Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Fleming stated that the decision for local schemes would be part of the negotiations for the County deal for the funding from Central Government.
116.7 The Cabinet Member responded to further questions from Councillors and stated that the Council had to be broadly consistent with other authorities and follow the established matrix for the schemes, though there was room for some flexibility.
116.8 The Sustainable Travel Officer responded to further questions from Councillors and advised that the LCWIP was not compulsory, but that Government would look favourably on authorities, who had one in existence. Further that it was no longer an option for members of the public to add schemes to the list. However, the website remained live with news, project updates and contact details to enable an open conversation for the LCWIP. She added that the consultation had received over 800 responses.
116.9 In response to Councillor Burn’s question regarding monitoring of progress for the Scheme, officers responded that the Council was working closely with Suffolk County Council (SCC) and Suffolk Highways to oversee how progression could be made on the listed schemes.
116.10 The Sustainable Travel Officer responded to questions from other Members attending the meeting on issues including community transport, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding and how the LCWIP would be used by planning officers.
116.11 During the debate Councillor Richardson thanked the Sustainable Travel officer and the Cabinet Member for Environment for the work undertaken for LCWIP. It was a valuable piece of work for the District, and he appreciated the input from the public consultation. The document was a live document, and that it was important to promote active travel and to support the Joint Wellbeing Strategy agreed last September.
It was RESOLVED: -
1.1 That the joint Councils’ draft LCWIP and Sustainable Transport vision be endorsed. 1.2 That the completion of the final documentation be delegated to the Assistant Director for Economic Development and Regeneration in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment.
REASON FOR DECISION Endorsement is recommended so that the LCWIP can be supported and ... view the full minutes text for item 116.
MCa/21/49 FREEPORT EAST FULL BUSINESS CASE PDF 147 KB Cabinet Member for Economy and Cabinet Member for Finance Additional documents: Decision: It was RESOLVED: -
That the submission of Freeport East Full Business Case (FBC) be endorsed. That the Assistant Director Economy & Regeneration and the S.151 Officer be given delegated authority in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members for Finance and Economy, to finalise the detail on the Freeport East FBC on behalf of Mid Suffolk District Council. That the proposed incorporation model for Freeport East i.e. Company Limited by Guarantee be approved, and that Cabinet make a recommendation to Full Council on nominations for a MSDC director. That a retained business rates policy be approved in principle. That forward funding from the Growth & Efficiency Fund of £80,000 per year for 2 years in advance of retained business rates be approved.
REASON FOR DECISION Achieving Freeport status for the G14 site and the wider Freeport East region will provide a unique opportunity for significant economic growth. This once in a generation opportunity will leverage in substantial additional funding to support the delivery of G14 alongside providing investment in skills, infrastructure and investment projects in the wider area to support the Levelling Up agenda and provide opportunities for all and true inclusive growth for our communities. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: 2.1 Proceed as per recommendations to endorse submission of FBC and associated strategies and approve principle of business rates retention policy, support the set-up of a Company Limited by Guarantee and support the early years of the programme with a contribution towards a programme delivery fund in advance of retained rates being available. This is the preferred approach as it aligns to the decision process of other Freeport partners and ensures that Mid Suffolk District Council play an active role in the delivery of Freeport East. It will also support the designation and launch of Gateway14 (G14) as a Tax Site with the associated financial incentives for businesses. 2.2 The Cabinet could choose not to support the submission of the FBC. However, as the aspirations within the Freeport East proposal are closely aligned to the Council’s own strategic priorities and the FBC could be submitted without our express support, this would not be appropriate. 2.3 The Cabinet could choose to delay making a decision, however, the Government’s timeline for FBC submission is fixed. Delay could mean that the FBC is unable to be submitted on time or that it is submitted but without support from one of its key partners and owners of a Tax Site which could damage the FBCs chance of success and potentially limit access for potential tenants at G14 to key Freeport related incentives. Any Declarations of Interests Declared: Councillor Whitehead declared a non-pecuniary interest in his role as Director of Gateway 14 Ltd. Any Dispensation Granted: None
Minutes: 117.1 The Chair, Councillor Morley, invited the Cabinet Member for Economy, Councillor Brewster to introduce the report.
117.2 Councillor Brewster provided a background summary for the proposed Business Case and an overview of the report.
117.3 Councillor Brewster proposed the recommendations in the report, which was seconded by Councillor Whitehead.
117.4 The Corporate Manager for Economy and Business responded to questions from other Members attending the meeting including options for existing business to relocate to the Gateway 14 site, sustainable and carbon neutral schemes for the site and food designation options for the businesses located on the Gateway 14 site.
117.5 During the debate Councillor Fleming thought that the Gateway 14 development had great synergy for the development of low carbon and related technologies in the region and she considered future ‘green’ developments including solar energy and the option of a rail connection to the site, should that become viable.
It was RESOLVED: -
1.1 That the submission of Freeport East Full Business Case (FBC) be endorsed. 1.2 That the Assistant Director Economy & Regeneration and the S.151 Officer be given delegated authority in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Members for Finance and Economy, to finalise the detail on the Freeport East FBC on behalf of Mid Suffolk District Council. 1.3 That the proposed incorporation model for Freeport East i.e. Company Limited by Guarantee be approved, and that Cabinet make a recommendation to Full Council on nominations for a MSDC director. 1.4 That a retained business rates policy be approved in principle. 1.5 That forward funding from the Growth & Efficiency Fund of £80,000 per year for 2 years in advance of retained business rates be approved.
REASON FOR DECISION Achieving Freeport status for the G14 site and the wider Freeport East region will provide a unique opportunity for significant economic growth. This once in a generation opportunity will leverage in substantial additional funding to support the delivery of G14 alongside providing investment in skills, infrastructure and investment projects in the wider area to support the Levelling Up agenda and provide opportunities for all and true inclusive growth for our communities.