Venue: King Edmund Chamber, Endeavour House, 8 Russell Road, Ipswich. View directions
Contact: Committee Services
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||
MC/24/19 TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 25 JULY 2024 PDF 153 KB Minutes: It was Resolved:-
That the Minutes of the meeting held on 25 July 2024 be confirmed and signed as a true record.
MC/24/20 CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS PDF 18 KB Minutes: Full Minutes to Follow |
LEADER'S ANNOUNCEMENTS PDF 56 KB Minutes: Full Minutes to Follow |
TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF PETITIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, The Chief Executive will report the receipt of any petitions. There can be no debate or comment upon these matters at the Council meeting. Minutes: 53.1 None Received. |
QUESTIONS BY THE PUBLIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES The Chair of the Council to answer any questions from the public of which notice has been given no later than midday three clear working days before the day of the meeting in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12. Minutes: 54.1 None Received |
QUESTIONS BY COUNCILLORS IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL PROCEDURE RULES The Chair of the Council, Chairs of Committees and Sub-Committees and Portfolio Holders to answer any questions on any matters in relation to which the Council has powers or duties or which affect the District of which due notice has been given in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13. Minutes: 55.1 None Received |
MC/24/21 SIMPLER RECYCLING - RECYCLING AND REFUSE COLLECTIONS PDF 980 KB Cabinet Member for Environment, Culture and Wellbeing Additional documents: Minutes: Full Minutes to follow.
It was Resolved :-
1.1 That Option C – introduction of new twin stream kerbside recycling collection service and change to three weekly refuse collections, in conjunction with weekly food waste collections, be endorsed by Council.
1.2 That Council notes that Cabinet has delegated authority to the Director of Operations and Climate Change, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for People and Place, and Finance, to implement all the required service changes for Option Cm acting individually and/or collectively as required with partner Suffolk Councils in delivering the contractual variations and procurements for planned delivery by April 2026.
1.3 The Council notes that Cabinet has agreed that the Director of Operations and Climate Change, alongside officers, monitor and then report to Cabinet the difference in cost to budget once the government funding arrangements, tender results, contractual variations and the resulting revisions to the Suffolk Waste Partnership Inter-Authority Agreement have been established, and work to include this in the Councils 2025/26 budgets.
MC/24/22 COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE REVIEWS PDF 110 KB Head of Electoral Services and Land Charges Additional documents:
Minutes: Full Minutes to follow.
It was Resolved:_
1.1 To approve the adopted Onehouse and Stowmarket Community Governance Review recommendations of no change to the Onehouse Parish and Stowmarket Town boundary and to note any final comments.
1.2 To approve the adopted Battisford and Combs Community Governance Review recommendations to move the Bowl Meadow development into the Battisford Parish area and to note any final comments.
1.3 That the Head of Electoral Services and Land Charges be authorised to make the above changes effective from Thursday 1 April 2027, for administrative purposes, and from Thursday 6 May 2027 for electoral purposes.
1.4 To make a Mid Suffolk District Council (Reorganisation of Community Governance) (Battisford) Order 2024.
MC/24/23 LOCALISM ACT 2011 - EXTENSION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT PERSONS PDF 66 KB Monitoring Officer Additional documents: Minutes: Full minutes to follow.
It Was Resolved:-
1.1 That the individuals listed in Appendix A of this report be appointed as the Council’s Independent Persons pursuant to section 28(7) of the Localism Act 2011 for a further term of two years. 1.2 That their annual retainer be increased from £300 to £500. 1.3 That a recruitment campaign be held for the two vacent posts to ensure sufficient cover is in place.
COUNCILLOR APPOINTMENTS PDF 65 KB To agree the following appointments:
Biodiversity Working Group Lucy Elkin Adrienne Marriott Gilly Morgan Ross Piper Daniel Pratt Tim Weller
Minutes: Full Minutes to follow.
It was Resolved:-
That the following Councillors be appointed to the Biodiversity Working Group:-
Lucy Elkin Adrienne Marriott Harry Richardson Ross Piper Daniel Pratt Tim Weller
That Councillor Janet Pearson replaces Councillor David Bradbury on Joint Audit and Standards Committee.
Background: The financial model for England’s council housing system is broken. Capped income, unfunded new requirements and soaring costs have decimated council housing budgets. We want to invest in desperately needed new council properties, ensure our repairs and maintenance service is robust, and make our existing homes more energy efficient. But without critical changes to government policy, it will be impossible for us and other councils to achieve these aims.
The national housing crisis is impacting citizens in Mid Suffolk. Social housing is essential to support the most vulnerable people in our communities and ensure our towns and villages can thrive. Council homes transform lives. They provide a foundation for a good life for millions of people who would otherwise be locked out of having a decent, affordable home.
But council housing finances stand on the brink. We are one of more than 100 council landlords to sign up to a new report calling for the new government to take urgent action to restore lost income and unlock local authority capacity. The five-point action plan set out in the recent Southwark report calls on the government to:
Mid Suffolk Council resolves to:
Proposer: Cllr Richard Winch Seconder: Cllr Rowland Warboys
Minutes: Full minutes to follow
It was Resolved:-
1.1 Write to the Secretary of State and our local Members of Parliament to inform them that this motion has been passed and urge them to take urgent action. 1.2 Continue to work with partner councils to lobby Government for the changes required, taking a collaborative approach to better highlight the issues we all face. 1.3 To continue raising awareness of the challenges, and our calls for government action, in local media. 1.4 Encourage local housing associations to work more closely with the Council to increase the supply of affordable housing.