Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Democratic Services

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Agenda item


70.1 Item B


Application          DC/19/03790

Proposal             Outline Planning Application (some matters reserved- access to be considered) – Erection of up to 29 No. dwellings (10 affordable dwellings).

Site Location       HAUGHLEY – Land on the North side of Station Road, Haughley Suffolk

Applicant             Michael Howard Homes



70.2 The Case Officer presented the application to the Committee outlining the proposal before Members, the layout of the site, and the officer recommendation of approval with conditions.


70.3 The Case Officer responded to Members’ questions on issues including: the distance to the centre of Haughley and the nearest bus stop, the proposed renewable energy and sustainability measures, proposed biodiversity enhancements, and affordable housing provision.


70.4 Members considered the representation from the Ward Member, Councillor Rachel Eburne.


70.5 Members considered the representation from the Ward Member, Councillor Keith Welham.


70.6 The Case Officer and Area Planning Manager responded to Members’ questions on issues including: the comments received from Strategic Housing, and the proposed mix of housing, that landscaping was a reserved matter, and that an overhead powerline would have to be re-routed by the Applicant.


70.7 Members debated the application on the issues including: that the proposal was in line with the Neighbourhood Plan, the proposed energy efficiency and sustainability measures, and that Members were concerned that the visual impact of the entrance of the village could be compromised.


70.8 Councillor John Field proposed that the application be approved as detailed in the officer recommendation with the additional conditions as follows:


-        Affordable Housing Mix to be agreed

-        S106 to include school travel costs

-        Additional condition for a landscaping scheme to be agreed for the village entrance point.


70.9 Councillor Sarah Mansel seconded the motion.


70.10 By a unanimous vote




That the application is GRANTED planning permission/listing building consent/other and includes the following conditions:-


(1)  Subject to the prior agreement of a Section 106 Planning Obligation on appropriate terms to the satisfaction of the Chief Planning Officer to secure:


• Affordable housing

• On site open space and including management of the space to be agreed and requirement for public access at all times.

· School travel costs



(2)  That the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to GRANT Planning Permission upon completion of the legal agreement subject to conditions as summarised below and those as may be deemed necessary by the Chief Planning Officer:


· Standard time limit (3yrs for implementation of scheme/Outline/Reserved/Section73?)

· RM to include layout, appearance etc. and detailed cross sections that show relationship of finished development with all adjoining sites + a minimum of 10% open space

· Layout shall broadly conform to that shown on illustrative layout drawing ref:

· Phasing Condition (To allow phasing of the development and allows spreading of payments under CIL)

· External Materials to be submitted and chosen from traditional vernacular palette

· The northern and eastern site boundaries to be fully landscaped with a hedgerow of indigenous field edge species to the open countryside edge. Any fence or other means of enclosure shall be located on the development side of this hedgerow.

· Swift boxes installation scheme to be agreed

· Hedgehog fencing scheme to be agreed

·SuDs conditions

· Market housing mix prior to or concurrent with reserved matters to be agreed

· Energy and renewal integration scheme to be agreed

· Rainwater harvesting to be agreed

· Construction Method Statement to be agreed.

· Level access to enable wheelchair access for all dwellings/buildings.


(3)  And the following informative notes

• Proactive working statement


(4)That in the event of the Planning obligations or requirements referred to in Resolution (1) above not being secured and/or not secured within 6 months of this resolution along with an appropriate extension of time to the application to ensure such obligation/requirements are secured in a timely manner that the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to refuse the application on appropriate ground/s


Additional Conditions:


-        Affordable Housing Mix to be agreed

-        Additional condition for a landscaping scheme to be agreed for the village entrance point.





Supporting documents: