Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Democratic Services

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Agenda item



Note:  The Chairman may change the listed order of items to accommodate visiting Ward Members and members of the public.


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for public speaking on planning applications a representation was made as detailed below:


Schedule of Applications


Application Number

Representations From


Mark Bassett (Agent)


Simon Henry (Agent)

Suzie Philips (Agent)


Ben Elvin (Agent)


Anthony Bryant (Parish Council)

Alison Hosford (Objector)

Adrian Tricker (Agent)


75.1 The Chair advised the Committee that application 1307/17 had been withdrawn by Officers and would return to Development Control A at the next available meeting.


75.2 The items of business were taken in the order as follows as set out by the Chair at the beginning of the meeting:


1.     DC/17/03424

2.     DC/17/05666

3.     DC/17/02760

4.     DC/17/05864


75.3 Item 5


Application          DC/17/03424

Proposal             Change of use of public house to dwelling

Site Location      BRUNDISH – The Crown Inn, Tannington Long Road, Brundish, Suffolk, IP13 8BE

Applicant            Mr and Mrs M Balshaw      


75.4 For application DC/17/03424 only, Councillor Matthew Hicks vacated the Chair as ward Member. Councillor Lesley Mayes took the Chair for said application.


75.5 The Case Officer presented the application and late papers to the Committee outlining the independent surveyor report and analysis.


75.6 The Case Officer responded to Members questions on issues including: the settlement boundary, the response from the Economic Development team, the marketed price of the pub and the conclusions from the independent surveyor.


75.7 Members considered the representations from the Parish Council, Objector, Agent and Ward Member.


75.8 Members debated the application on the issues including: the response from the independent surveyor, related cases, the possibility of the decision being challenged, the full recommendations in the papers, the policy designation in the SPG, and the defined settlement boundary.


75.9 Councillor Gerard Brewster proposed that the application be deferred for policy review on the SPG given the position outside any settlement boundary and beyond any easy walking distance, and that the survey information and any alternative use explanation be checked further prior to the return to Committee.


75.10 By a unanimous vote




That the application be deferred for Policy review on the SPG given position outside any settlement boundary and beyond easy walking distance. Survey information and any alternative use exploration to be checked further prior to return to Committee.


75.12 Item 1


Application          DC/1705666

Proposal             Planning Application- Erection of a new processing facility, waste water treatment plant and gatehouse with associated car park, and service yards, two vehicle access points, drainage swale and landscaping.

Site Location      YAXLEY- Land to the South of Eye Airfield and East of the A140.

Applicant             Cranswick Country Food Foods PLC


75.13 The Case Officer presented the application to the Committee outlining a correction within the officer recommendation.


75.14 The Case Officer responded to Members questions regarding access onto the A140, responses from Suffolk County Council’s highways department, energy efficiency measures and the floor area of the proposal.


75.15 Members considered the representations from the Agent and the ward Member.


75.16 Members debated the application on the issues including: the economic benefits of the proposal, the possible improvements to the A140, that there would be little or no loss to residential amenity, and the energy efficiency of the proposal.


75.17 Councillor David Whybrow proposed that the application be approved as detailed in the Officer Recommendation.


75.18 Councillor Lesley Mayes seconded the proposal with the addition of policy CS3 which the proposer agreed to.


75.19  By a unanimous vote




That authority be delegated to Corporate Manager - Growth & Sustainable Planning to grant Full planning permission subject to the conditions as set out below:


·       Time limit

·       Approved plans

·       Restriction on changes of use

·       Implementation of FRA

·       Sustainable Urban Drainage System included on Flood Risk Asset Register

·       Construction Surface Water Management Plan

·       Noise limit including further noise assessment

·       Construction management plan

·       Construction working hours

·       Operational working hours

·       Landscaping scheme including tree protection and boundary treatment

·       Finishes and materials to be agreed

·       Compliance with ecological appraisal and mitigation

·       Archaeological investigation and recording

·       Fire hydrants

·       Provision of visibility splays

·       Means to prevent discharge of surface water onto highway

·       Submission final details of access including phasing of construction and access in the interim

·       Details of parking, manoeuvring and cycle storage

·       Travel plan information pack

·       Lighting design scheme

·       Works within the public highway

Additional Condition:

·       Prior to the commencement of development, a scheme for the integration of renewable energy technology to provide 10% of the predicted energy requirement of the development shall be submitted in writing, to the Local Planning Authority. The scheme as may be approved shall be carried out in its entirety and thereafter maintained.


75.21 Item 2


Application          DC/17/02760

Proposal             Outline Planning Application (access to be considered) – erection of up to 69 dwellings, open space, and associated infrastructure.

Site Location      BOTESDALE – Land to the South of Diss Road, Botesdale, Suffolk. 

Applicant             Mr Ben Herbert


75.22 The Case Officer presented the application to the Committee and outlined the updated documents and recommendations in the late papers.


75.23 The Case Officer responded to Members questions regarding odour nuisance, the access to the proposed development, the red line and blue line boundary of the site, the archaeological works including a change to the recommendation from the Case Officer to omit the word “complete” from the condition as follows: “No occupation until archaeological assessment complete.” The Case Officer responded to further questions regarding the access road and access locations.


75.24 Members considered the representations from the Parish Council, Agent, and Ward Members.


75.25 Members debated the application on the issues including: the principle of the development, the access to the site, the impact on the listed heritage asset.


75.26 Councillor David Whybrow proposed that the application be approved as detailed in the updated Officer recommendation with the additional condition that Post Development rights be removed for outbuildings, garages, and extensions.


75.27 Members continued to debate the application on the issues including: the current speed limit on the road, the harm caused by the development, and the current state of the 5 Year land supply.


75.28 Councillor Lesley Mayes seconded the proposal from Councillor David Whybrow.


75.29 By 9 votes to 1




(1) Subject to the prior agreement of a Section 106 Planning Obligation on appropriate terms to the satisfaction of the Corporate Manager- Planning for Growth to secure: 

(a) Secure 35% Affordable units including mix and tenure;

(b) Provision, management, and maintenance of Public Open Space.


 (2) That the Corporate Manager- Planning for Growth be authorised to grant Planning Permission subject to conditions including: 

  • Standard time limit
  • Reserved matters outline
  • Accord with approved plans - access
  • Access visibility splays
  • Access – estate roads detail
  • Surface water details
  • Agree and implement construction of carriageways and footways
  • Agree and implement parking, cycling, and manoeuvring areas
  • Details of surface water drainage scheme
  • Details of implementation, maintenance, and management of surface water drainage scheme
  • Details of sustainable urban drainage system components and piped networks
  • Details of construction surface water management
  • Programme of archaeological work
  • No occupation until archaeological assessment
  • Unexpected contamination
  • Fire hydrant provision details
  • Sustainable efficiency measures
  • Secure mitigation and ecology enhancement measures
  • Lighting scheme – biodiversity
  • Construction Management Plan
  • Construction hours
  • Withdrawal PD rights for the development of outbuildings, garages and extensions


Additional Conditions:


·       Highways Conditions as set out in letter dated 2 February 2018

·       Condition to secure highways works to Chapel Lane and footpaths prior to first occupation

·       Condition for residents travel packs as detailed on page 5 of the response from Highways letter dated 2 February 2018.



Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980

Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980

Heating and cooling equipment – noise


3) That in the event of the Planning Obligation referred to in Resolution (1) above not being secured that the Corporate Manager- Planning for Growth be authorised to refuse planning permission for reason(s) including:- 

Inadequate provision of infrastructure contributions which would fail to provide compensatory benefits to the sustainability of the development and its wider impacts, contrary to the development plan and national planning policy.

Note – Red Line Plan as page 142 for avoidance of doubt



75.31 Item 3


Application          DC/17/05874

Proposal             Outline Planning Application (All matters reserved) – erection of 2n.o semi-detached two-storey dwellings. 

Site Location      BACTON- Land Adjacent Homeland, Rectory Road, Bacton, Stowmarket. 

Applicant             Mr J Free


75.32 Councillor Gerard Brewster left the meeting at 12:45 after application DC/17/02760 and before the commencement of application DC/17/05874.


75.33 The Case Officer presented the application to the Committee noting an email contained in the late papers from Councillor Andrew Stringer, County Councillor for the area.


75.34 The Case Officer responded to Members questions regarding the lack of footpaths, the distance to the village centre and the safety of pedestrians walking to the village centre.


75.35 Members considered representations from the agent and from an email sent by the Ward Member.


75.36 Members debated the application voicing concerns over the recommendation being inconsistent with other applications that had been refused.


75.37 Councillor John Field proposed that the application be approved against the Officer Recommendation on the grounds that the development was considered sustainable development close to amenities and that the modest 2 dwellings offers benefit and enhancement to the site. Councillor Field also proposed that the application be approved with conditions of: Standard Time limit for outline, reserved matters, approved plans, Archaeology conditions on page 224 of the report pack.


75.38 The Case Officer advised Members that a previous application on the site had been refused in 2015.


75.39 Councillor David Whybrow seconded the motion for approval.


75.40 By 7 votes to 2




Application be approved with conditions:


·       Standard time limit for outline

·       Reserved matters

·       Approved plans

·       Archaeology conditions as on p224 of the report pack


Reason for Approval Summary: The development was considered sustainable development close to amenities and modest 2 dwellings offers benefit and enhancement to the site.



Supporting documents: