Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Democratic Services

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Agenda item


79.1 A short comfort break was taken between 11:26-11:32.


79.2 Item 2


Application         DC/18/04059

Proposal             Full planning application- Erection of a process building, loading bay canopy and sub-station, including the relocation of existing storage tanks and construction of new concrete pads to allow the installation of new storage tanks, gantry and other ancillary equipment.

Site Location      ASPALL- Cyder House, Aspall Green, Aspall, Stowmarket

Applicant            Plandescil Ltd on behalf if Aspalls



79.3 The Case Officer presented the application to the Committee outlining the proposal before Members, the layout of the site, and that the Officer Recommendation was for Approval.


79.4 The Case Officer responded to Members’ questions on issues including: the impact on the listed building, where the existing tanks would be moved to and the proposed landscaping on the site.


79.5 Members considered the representation from Councillor Kathie Guthrie acting as the Parish Clerk.


79.6 Councillor Guthrie responded to Members’ questions on issues including: the responses received in the village.


79.7 Members considered the representation from the Objector, John Mackenzie.


79.8 Members considered the representation from the Applicant, Dale Scott.


79.9 The Applicant responded to Members questions on issues including: the employment that would be created by the development, that the lighting on the site would be low energy and would be directed downwards and the, HGV traffic created by the proposal.


79.10 Members considered the representation from the Ward Member, Councillor Kathie Guthrie.


79.11 The Ward Member responded to Members’ questions on issues including: the traffic movements at the main entrance of the site.


79.12 Members debated the application on the issues including: the traffic issues surrounding the site, that some of the issues raised were pre-existing problems within the area, the proposed landscaping on the site, and the investment into a local business.


79.13 Councillor Lesley Mayes Proposed that the application be approved as detailed in the Officer Recommendation with the additional conditions:


1.      Lighting to be agreed

2.     10 year retention of landscaping scheme


79.14 Councillor Lavinia Hadingham Seconded the motion.


79.15 Members continued to debate the application on the issues including: the harm caused to the landscape and the benefits to the local economy.


79.16 By a unanimous vote




(1) That Members grant planning permission for the development as submitted under this planning application.


(2) conditions as summarised below and those as may be deemed necessary by the Acting Chief Planning Officer:


· Time limit

· Approved plans

· Final approval of a landscaping scheme, including investigation of additional tree planting at the boundary of the site with Aspall Hall

· Requirement for a construction management plan

· Control over hours of site preparation/construction works/measures for the control of dust and waste and provision of security lighting or floodlighting

· Development being carried out in accordance with submitted Arboricultural report

· Development being carried out in accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment and details of SuDS

· Agreement of a Construction Surface Water Management Plan and method statements


Additional Conditions:


·       Lighting to be agreed

·       10 Year retention of landscaping scheme


(3) And the following informative notes as summarised and those as may be deemed necessary by the Acting Chief Planning Officer:


· Future upgrades to the treatment works may require planning permission

· Responsibility for the safe development of the site lies with the developer

· Works to a watercourse may require consent under section 23 of the Land Drainage Act

· Discharge to a watercourse or groundwater needs to comply with the Water Environment Regulations 2003

Supporting documents: