Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Democratic Services

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Issue - decisions


10a.1 Councillor Hurren, Chair of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee, introduced report JAC/19/4 and summarised the main points in the report. He MOVED recommendations 3.1 and 3.2, which was SECONDED by Councillor Ward.


10a.2 Councillor Ward commented that the Report detailed how the Council was able to Fund the work decided by Committees, Council and Cabinet.


10a.3 Councillor Maybury asked if the Council incurred a penalty for the one occasion when the Council exceeded its daily bank account limit, and Councillor Hurren responded that no penalty had been incurred.


10a.4  Recommendations 3.1 and 3.2 were put to Members for voting and the vote was CARRIED.


It was RESOLVED: -


1.1               That the Treasury Management activity for the year 2018/19 be noted. Further, that performance was in line with the Prudential Indicators set for 2018/19 be noted.


That Babergh District Council treasury management activity for 2018/19 was in accordance with the approved Treasury Management Strategy, and that, except for one occasion when the Council exceeded its daily bank account limit with Lloyds by £391k, as mentioned in Appendix C, paragraph 4.6, the Council has complied with all the Treasury Management Indicators for this period be noted.