Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils
Democratic Services

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Issue - decisions


Councillor Jennie Jenkins, Leader of the Council, introduced Paper BC/17/19 seeking member approval to submit the Council’s formal response to the Stage 2 Consultation as set out in the report, together with any further comments arising from the meeting.


During the course of the debate, Members put forward comments as referred to below for inclusion by the Chief Executive as part of the Council’s formal response.


·         Councillor Arthey – reiterated the comments made by Cockfield Parish Council to avoid Cockfield being in a horseshoe-shaped ward with Long Melford. 

·         Councillor Davis and others – made reference to the lack of community or geographical connections between Bentley and Chelmondiston (incorrectly spelt by the LGBCE)

·         Councillor Ward – referred to other errors in LGBCE report and to the prosaic nature of the ward names chosen which meant a loss of the sense of history on names such as ‘Berners’ – he will circulate his views 

·         Councillor Ferguson and others – could we ask LGBCE to look again at suggestions for two / three member wards and possible warding of eg Hadleigh. 

·         Councillors Bavington and Beer – it would be difficult to come up with an acceptable division into wards for Great Cornard, but the Parish Council will submit a proposed alteration about the Cats Lane boundary –

·         Councillor Simon Barrett also referred to Sudbury Town Council’s view on Cats Lane

·         Councillor Rose – Holbrook and Shotley in discussions about possibly becoming a single ward

·         Councillor McCraw – will submit his comments on various models and suggestions.  Other Members also indicated that they were making their own comments direct to LCBCE


In response to a query about the timing of the review, bearing in mind the current discussion about a possible merger of the two Councils, the Chief Executive explained that if any new authority accepted the numbers of Councillors agreed under the present review, there would be a more limited review.  Mid Suffolk had a requirement to review prior to the 2019 elections because of the unequal electoral ratios and Babergh Council had agreed that it would be sensible to review at the same time.  He also explained that the LGBCE position on growth was that electoral numbers, rather than house numbers, were taken into account, and that planning permissions granted, but not the draft Joint Local Plan projections, could be used in this context.




That the Chief Executive be authorised to submit the Council’s formal response to the stage two consultation on warding patterns, including the comments appended to Paper BC/17/19 at Appendix 2, together with the points made by Members at the meeting, as above.